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Knowledge Center

COVID-19 Survey by the EU Commission.


With the onset of COVID-19 vaccination and recovery, companies are developing new treatments and therapies. Read more about the survey.

Med-Di-Dia and Thomas Regulatory Resolutions are using the social media platform to spread awareness about medical device regulatory affairs.


Using the advantage of the digital space, bustling medical device regulatory service providers are going LinkedIn Live!

The future of Wearable Devices.


With advancing technology and MedTech Innovations, the future brings challenges as well as opportunities for wearable devices.

Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences announces seminar with Med-Di-Dia.


It is crucial to ensure that you are constantly updated in the dynamic and ever-developing medical world. Therefore, organisers at the Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences have initiated a semina...

EU MDR - what’s happening with Switzerland?


Before 26th May 2021, medical devices had restriction-free movement between Switzerland and the EU market. Since MDR was fully implemented throughout Europe from 26th May 2021, and with the breakdown ...

MedTech Europe warns of ongoing regulatory issues


MedTech Europe welcomed the first wave of new E.U. medical device regulations last week but said there’s work that’s yet to be done.

Med-Di-Dia Team Expansion


Welcoming the new set of Professionals. Med-Di-Dia Team is expanding. We aim at creating strong regulatory support for our Clients.

The US FDA releases draft guidelines for Medical Devices


The US FDA released draft guidelines for neurostim, other devices to treat diabetes and guidance for Testing and Labelling Medical Devices for Safety in the Magnetic Resonance (MR) Environment

EU plans to enforce additional regulations on MedTech AI products, other 'high-risk' systems.


AI and SaMD are the future of MedTech development. In these times, such stringent regulations could be seen to hamper the industry's capacity to innovate.

Report from Deloitte Spotlights the Trend for Virtual Care


Virtual care in the pre-pandemic era was considered a slow-moving industry. Investors have heavily invested their stakes in virtual health and care management technology.

Main changes introduced by the MDR for Class I Device Manufacturers


All medical device companies will be affected by new developments under MDR, which comes into effect on 26th May 2021. Everyone operating in the medical device sector will be affected one way or anoth...

UDI Helpdesk by the EU Commission!


Just in time, the European Commission has launched a UDI helpdesk to support EU MDR Economic operators.

Synergies of HealthCare and Technology are leading the way!


Where regulation continues to be a restraint, MedTech Companies are critical to the success factors for developing digital health care infrastructure, but these companies need to gain fast-paced momen...

Medical Devices are Trending! Here is your Trend Guide


By 2021, technological advances are accelerating the revolution in the medical device industry while giving rise to new opportunities and new challenges.

A dip in Asian Healthcare Funding – Opportunity for the EU


Q1 funding in the Healthcare sector has brought various changes and speculation. The European Union and the EU Market have strong growth potential.

New MDR and IVDR leave Manufacturers in Doubt as guidelines issued for Northern Ireland


New guidance from the United Kingdom’s government keeps Northern Ireland in a farce. The UK issues separate guidelines for Great Britain and NI

#ScalingOurLegacy - GTC Celebrates 25 + years of Service


Med-Di-Dia Congratulates Galway Technology Centre on #ScalingOurLegacy celebrating 25+ years of Service. Highlights from the virtual event!

MDCG Recent Guidance on MDR, IVDR


The European Commission’s Medical Device Coordinating Group (MDCG) recently issued new guidance which explains the role of safety and performance standards under current and incoming Medical Dev...

What are the responsibilities of the EU Authorised Representative?


What are the responsibilities of the EU Authorised Representative?

Can I appoint my distributor as my EU Authorised Representative?


Can I appoint my distributor as my EU Authorised Representative? With the rush to ensure that UK based companies can continue to place their product on the market following Brexit, some companies...

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